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On Our Way

It has been a month since I have written anything, I suppose time flies when you are having fun…or moving across the country 🙂 The last month has been pretty crazy! Before we left Granger, the kids finished 5th, 8th and 9th grade, we closed on our house, packed up all of our belongings and watched them drive away in a truck, sent 2 of our kids to youth group camp, had a surprise going away party thrown by my 2 best friends and said goodbye to our friends and family!girls-night-out-hacienda

That last part…yeah that wasn’t easy!

The last week we were in town we spent quality time with some of our best friends. Every time we got together with them I remember thinking, “this isn’t it, we aren’t really saying goodbye, we will see them again before we leave.” I think really deep down it just hadn’t hit me that we were really leaving.

That “leaving” day came though, much to my dismay! I had done pretty well leading up to that point. I figured I would be a crying mess most of the week leading up to this day, but I had held strong. Then all the people we love most in the world showed up to say their final goodbyes and watch us drive away. As I walked around and said goodbye and gave hugs, the tears started to come.

We are really doing this right?

But we love these people! These people are family, and friends that are just like family! Are we really going to leave them?

Even as we pulled away, with our van loaded so tight that there was barely room for the kids, and looked at those we love in the rear view mirror, it still hadn’t hit me…we are really on our way!

On our way to a place with palm trees and constant sunshine.mcmillen-signs

On our way to a place where the beach will be about 20 minutes away, and the mountains can be seen out of our windows.

On our way to a place where housing is stupid expensive, for no real reason (at least in my book)!

On our way to a place where we don’t have our friends and our kids don’t have their friends.

As I look back now, I am pretty sure the only thing that got me through those goodbyes was our trip out west. Daryl and I decided it would be best for our whole family to have some time to process the move. And what better way to do that than to see the “west” as we drove west! Our trip to California was absolutely fantastic – but we’ll have to save that for another post so you aren’t here all day 🙂

It was so good to be together…especially after spending 5 months apart! We needed that time.

It was good.

It was helpful.

It was fun!

But it just felt like a vacation.

We were going home right?

No…no we weren’t!

This is home now…or at least the place we live!