Tammy McMullen | Welcome to our journey
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Welcome to our journey

Welcome to our journey

tammy-mcmullen-headshotWell hello there! Welcome to tammymcmullen.com, because I couldn’t come up with anything more clever…no really it’s the truth! For those of you that may not know me, I am just a little ole midwestern girl who’s lived all of her life in Indiana and is moving her family across the country to California. Yes, you read that right! I did say California!

But it is expensive to live there you know?

Yep, we are well aware – and no, you are not the first person to ask us that. More on that in another post!

I know it is a little strange to have a welcome post that isn’t the first post – but it will all make sense here in a bit.

Why start a blog? Do people even read blogs anymore? Maybe…maybe not, but to be honest I am perfectly fine if only my husband and a few close friends stay tuned. The reason for this blog is to have a place to document our journey. My goal is to be completely honest! To write about the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to moving your family across the country. If I am being completely honest, I also think it may be therapeutic for me (but shhh don’t tell anyone)!

Why 2 previous posts before this one? Well, as I was praying last week the idea hit me… …wouldn’t it be great to document this move?

After coming home and telling my husband (who just happened to be home for the week) here we are! The thing is, we had already posted about our decision to move to Cali back in January on my husbands blog, and I had posted on Facebook about how much I was missing him just a couple of weeks ago. Those posts are all part of our story and I wanted to keep the appropriate dates on them so that when we look back at this, I can remember how I was feeling when.

So here it is: Post #1 that is really post #3 šŸ™‚

If you don’t know anything about our story, go back and read the first post and you will be all caught up!

It’s going to be some journey for the 5 of us! Only a little more than 3 months until we call Cali home (or at least the place we will be living)!

I hope you stay tuned, but if you don’t well that’s ok too!

I may just shed an extra tear here or there šŸ™‚



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