Tammy McMullen | 5 Things That I Miss!
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5 Things That I Miss!

5 Things That I Miss!

It has been almost 6 weeks since Daryl McMullen and I have been doing this living apart thing! In some moments it feels like the time as flown by and in others it feels like forever! I can say one thing for sure…it isn’t fun! I know there are people out there who do it everyday, who have been doing it for all of their marriage or wish they could live apart (I really wish this wasn’t true for anyone). Daryl and I have never lived apart since we have been married and one of the things I learned growing up was that my husband would be home for dinner almost every night and would be a huge part of my kids lives. I picked the right guy because that has been our life for the past 16 1/2 years.

When we made this decision to move and have Daryl go before us, we made it together. We knew it would be hard. We knew we would miss each other. We knew the kids would miss their Dad and having a normal family life. Could we have chosen for all of us to go together…yes we probably could of, but we felt it was best for the kids and our sanity to wait for all of us to go till the end of the school year! Have I regretted that decision? For the kids, absolutely NOT. We made right decision for them. For me, if I am being selfish I wish we would have all gone in January. But, life isn’t about me and I would make the decision we did again!

With all that being said, I miss my husband like crazy! Some days I get all mopey about it, but most days I just go through life like normal. I guess it is a good thing I miss him, I wouldn’t want to be in marriage where I was glad he was gone. So what do I mis the most? Many, many things, but here are my top 5:

  1. Not having him here every night to talk to- For the last 16 years he has been home just about every night for dinner and we have had the evening to talk about our day, the kids, our schedule, what is happening on FB (your know the really important things :)), etc!
  2. The SEX- yep I said it! And yes it does rank as #2 with it being pretty close to #1. Nothing more to say about that except I am REALLY looking forward to seeing him again and I wouldn’t want to be in marriage where I didn’t miss this!
  3. Watching him be a Dad to the kids- Overall the kids are doing pretty well not having their Dad here day in and out but you can tell there is a part of them missing! When we were in CA they couldn’t get enough of him- they were pretty much attached to his hip the whole time we were there.
  4. The hugs, kisses, hand holding, slaps on the butt, and so many other things. One of my love languages is physical touch so I miss this A LOT! I miss sitting at the dinner table and having his hand on my leg, I miss the butt slaps as I brush my teeth at night, I miss him wrapping me up in his arms and it feeling like everything else in the world doesn’t matter!
  5. Being together all weekend long. To be honest I do pretty well all week long, the days go by fast and since I am the only one to do all the evening activities the night is gone before I know it. But the weekends just suck! Come Friday night, I find myself getting sad! We used to spend our whole weekend together. From traveling to Chicago, Indy, or elsewhere for a sport, to going to church, to making a big breakfast, to family movie night…we did it all together!

What I am glad for today? 4 more sleeps till we have him home with us for 10 days! I. Can’t. Wait!

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